
All-in-One Automated Solution for Hospitality Accounts Receivable

Zebo is the ultimate Accounts Receivable Software management, engineered to slash manual tasks, eradicate invoicing mishaps, and turbocharge collections predictions.

Consolidate data from various sources like City Ledger, Invoices, Purchase Orders, Supporting Documents, Folio/Registration Cards, boost your AR Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) and streamline Statements of Accounts, Zebo offers a seamless, user-friendly Accounts Receivable platform.

Accounts receivable - Optimize AR Spend

How Zebo Takes the Hassle out of Administrative and Finance Tasks

Efficient cashflow management is critical for the success of any business. With Zebo by Serina, you can optimize your accounts receivable process, ensuring timely payments and minimizing errors. Our state-of-the-art Accounts Receivable automation software provides comprehensive tools to manage your invoices, collections, and financial forecasting seamlessly.

Effortless Managing Accounts Receivable

Streamlining the entire invoice lifecycle, from creation to processing, for precision and reduced manual effort.

Simplified Purchase Order Handling

Enhancing procurement processes by efficiently tracking and managing purchase orders for complete AR management.

Integrated Document Management

Seamlessly consolidates supporting documents, city ledger data, folios/registration cards, and statements of accounts for a unified data platform.

BI Process &

Monitor key metrics in real-time, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your accounts receivable reporting.


Taking charge of organized record-keeping to minimize administrative complexities and optimize efficiency.

Collaboration &

Easily assign tasks, communicate with team members, and receive timely alerts for outstanding invoices, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

How Zebo Works to Achieve Business Excellence

Zebo – AR Automation Software By Serina for Administrative and Finance Tasks

Zebo by Serina is designed to simplify administrative and finance tasks related to accounts receivable management. Our advanced automation capabilities help you reduce manual workload, eliminate invoicing errors, and ensure accurate and timely collections. From generating invoices to tracking payments, Zebo makes AR management effortless.

Real-time Insights

Gain real-time insights into your outstanding payments, empowering informed decision-making.

Accurate Forecasting

Confidently forecast accuracy beyond what your AR ledger reveals, ensuring financial stability.

Timely Invoicing

Never miss sending timely invoices to customers, optimizing your invoicing rhythm.

Payment Prioritization

Understand customer payment patterns from historic data, proactively prioritizing and chasing customers who could delay payments.

Unlock Revenue Potential

Identify and unlock untapped revenue potential within your Accounts Receivable process.

Prevent Payment Delays

Zebo prevents payment delays due to incorrect invoice values or missing supporting documents.

Why Zebo is The Best Accounts Receivable Solution for Hospitality

Backed by a team of 100+ Accounts Receivable Automation Professionals at Zebo, we strive to establish pioneering benchmarks in invoice processing, fostering stronger ties between businesses and their vendors. Empower your business with Zebo and Data Semantics, where innovation meets efficiency in Accounts Recievable management.


  • Automate with Accuracy– Automate the AR process, from invoicing to collections, save time and reduce errors.
  • Real-Time Insights– Gain instant visibility into accounts receivable with intuitive dashboards and reports.
  • Scale & Grow– Zebo scales effortlessly to fit the needs of both small businesses and large enterprises.
  • Expert Support– Leverage our expertise in managing accounting needs for businesses of all sizes.

Zebo Redefines Industry Standards by Offering

Zebo Accounts Receivable redefines industry standards
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